Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The One Where My Costco Membership Expired

I love Costco.  So much so that when I die an idea for my tombstone might be something like

Here lies Alexa Jo Wallis
Consumer at Costco

I think it all started when I was little. Santa Barbara got its first Costco and it was a BIG deal.  I remember going with my mom making sure to be really close by her side as we walked in because I felt still feel like they wouldn't let me in if I wasn't clearly with a cardholder.  It felt so VIP. Then there were the samples... like h'ordeuvres at an exclusive party.  I had no shame as a kid trying all the samples that didn't contain meat.  Now I at least try and pretend I'm interested in the product.  "How many grams of fiber did you say?" "So these seaweed chips are located just over there? (just out of your sight so you think I'm going to pick them up when really I'm not) Great!" Fast forward to college.  I got my very own card.  It may or may not have been more exciting then my drivers license. I was the coolest roommate. Big confidence builder. Later when we found out we were moving to Toledo I probably waited all but a good minute to google "Costco, Toledo, Please" Thank goodness they had one.  Its a good one too.  Sometimes Zoë and I go and two hours later walk out with just bananas. I would buy more but I probably went a day or two before.  Fast forward even farther to last Monday. Which I now refer to as black Monday.  Just a typical Monday at Costco, had a grocery cart filled with bulky goodness about to check out when we scan our card and it says membership expired. My heart sank. My face felt slapped.
This was actually a picture I sent to Brad when Quinn
was getting her shots, but it looked similar to this

  I thought we had more time....You see, Milwaukee....doesn't have a Costco. I thought there was one for a second.  I asked our realtor if they had a Costco to which she replied "yes we do!" me = relief  "its about  45 minutes away" me = your fired.  And before you tell me to see if they have a Sams Club.  I refuse.  I'm sure its great and no offense if you go there.  Its a loyalty thing.  Like Backstreet Boys vs. N*sync (obviously N*sync rules) So we knew we would just ride our current membership out and then let it expire.  But I wasn't ready.  If I had known the last time would be the last time.  I would have done another lap, I would have savored every sample, I would have pumped my tank a little fuller and bought 2 of everything. I maybe even would have let the old ladies touch my girls chubby cheeks.  Whats the point of this post?  Love your Costco. Hold it a little tighter.  Because you never know when the last time will be the last time.*

Some pictures in Costco I found on my phone
(que "i will remember you" sarah mclachlan)

Its not much but the fact that I have any pictures at all is pretty telling

* Just so you dont feel too sorry for me, there is a brand new huge Trader Joes in our neighborhood.  This is on the same level as Costco in my heart. So I'll live.


Brittany Anne said...

I have that shirt!! And I went to Costco today!! <3

Halo BW said...

Thank you for sharing!