Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We just watched I Am Number Four. It was... how do you say... Not good. Which got me thinking.... I am so sick of bad movies. They have like a what 50 million plus dollar budget, lots of crew members, months and months of writing, editing, acting etc and...thats what you send out to the world? I'm not just singling out I am number four. There are plenty of dumb movies out there. I saw some of Jar Head on tv the other day ( technically I'm not even sure if I'm aloud to not like movies about war because I do love my country, and Jake Gyllenhall but come on) I could list some more but my brain is busy trying to forget I am number four. I should add that if you liked I am number four please do not take offensive from this post...even though I like to think of myself educated and at times "with it" I also like to entertain myself with such choice programs such as The Bachlorette, Teen Mom and although I try to resist Jerseylicious, so don't feel too bad.

I would like to add that I saw The Help last week and that was excellent. See I'm not totally pessimistic

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